News, product announcements and tips from the Footprinter team

RB Website Features Footprinter

Footprinter Green Design's very visual performance gauges are featured prominately on a high level RB webpage titled Better design. RB goes on to point out that: 100% of product innovations assessed by our Sustainable Innovation Calculator RB’s Sustainable Innovation Calculator guides the development of low-impact products. In 2013, we assessed over …

Lessons from BIG DATA

There is a quiet revolution going on in information technology. The world is become so digital and fast moving, that old technologies for storing and making sense of the data can't keep up. The IT revolution has the catchy name "Big Data". Here are some examples of BIG: every 60 …

RB Product Sustainability Leadership

RB is beginning to get well deserved recognition for their leadership in product sustainability. This post on GreenBiz sheds more light on how RB has successfully infused sustainability into their product development process. "Reckitt Benckiser has been at the forefront ... and demonstrates best practices ... Focus development teams on a …

The Path to Product Sustainability

Sustainability consultants Pure Strategies have put out a solid and important piece of research called "The Path to Product Sustainability". From their research they draw two basic insights: Companies committed to product sustainability enjoy the benefits of manufacturing cost savings, brand enhancement, employee engagement and other important financial and organizational …

WRAP: Keep Up To Date on Product Sustainability

Company WRAP helps people and businesses recycle more and waste less. WRAP was started in 2008 and is funded by all four governments across the UK and the EU and runs programs in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Product Sustainability Forum (PSF) is a collaboration of grocery and …

Anthesis: Product Portfolio Footprinting

Company Anthesis is a new sustainability consultancy formed in 2013. Anthesis successfully brought together a strong team of former environmental specialists from WSP with sustainability and footprinting experts Best Foot Forward. CEO Stuart McLachlan’s view, galvanizing Anthesis, is that companies are lacking the data, skills, systems and strategic advice needed to …

Can't Save The World One LCA At A Time

Craig Simmons Chief Technical Advisor at Anthesis, talks about practical approaches to enterprise-scale sustainability. We love his observation that "you cannot save the world one life cycle analysis at a time"!  One step at a time isn't fast enough. We need to be able to run, and run fast. Otherwise we …