Improve the sustainability of your products, operations and supply chains.

Take a Look

Thanks to our new tool, we're now spending more time innovating and driving change and less time measuring.

Dave Challis – Category Group Director – Sustainability, Sourcing & Consumer Sciences at RB
Read more about RB

Evolve from home grown spreadsheets
to easy to use, multi-user software that supports the scale of your business.

Tailor to Your Needs

Configure and customize data collection and sustainability tools to fit your needs. Choose from standard metrics, factor data and KPIs, or set up your own.

Roll It Out

Engage the organization with easy to use tools. Roll out to a small team or 100s of users without the need for large training budgets or dedicated IT support.

Roll It Up

Roll up your data in real-time from 100s of operations, products and/or suppliers into a coherent picture, performance assessment and forecast.

Analyze and Learn

Leverage the user-friendly, high-power framework to do ad doc analysis. Set up tracking dashboards to learn and share what is working and what the specific challenges are.

Keep Up To Date

Stop dealing with multiple spreadsheet versions and updated data received via email. With all your data and integrated tool kit in one place, easily keep your data and analysis up to date.

Manage with Confidence

Manage users with role-based permissions on Footprinter’s secure hosted platform. Get the power of a world-class data center and scalable footprinting technology for your team.

Recent blog posts:

Lessons from BIG DATA

There is a quiet revolution going on in information technology. The world is become so digital and fast moving, that old technologies for storing and making sense of the data can't keep up. The IT revolution has the catchy name "Big Data". Here are some examples of BIG: every 60 …

Top-5 Reasons Not To Use Excel

Why are so many large companies still using Excel for their fundamental sustainability data collection and analysis? The answer is … because they can. Excel is relatively easy to use and everyone has it. So it’s great for special projects and doing something like an analysis or chart quickly. Sustainability …

RB's betteRBusiness Strategy

This webinar given by Dave Challis, global head of sustainability, and Laura McGonigal, sustainability communications analyst, lays out RB's strategy in detail and how innovation is playing a significant part in helping the company reach its goals. Here is the direct YouTube link. Note the placing of "innovation" in the …