Share and Learn
Communicate sustainability ideas, innovations and knowledge quickly and effectively across your organization.

Create an accessible online knowledge base of all your sustainability resources including guidance, factors, material dossiers, innovations, product footprints and case studies.
Encourage the organization to post to the knowledge base. Extend this capability to suppliers. Learn from each other. Search it just like Google.
Keep up to date by following people and tags. Syndicate ideas and knowledge quickly across your organization. See what topics are getting the most attention.
Product summary pages are a powerful way for companies in the UK grocery sector to quickly gain and share a perspective on a product’s sustainability, what drives it, and keep up to date on what is being done to improve it.
Read more about WRAP
Recent blog posts on knowledge base:
WRAP: Keep Up To Date on Product Sustainability
Company WRAP helps people and businesses recycle more and waste less. WRAP was started in 2008 and is funded by all four governments across the UK and the EU and runs programs in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Product Sustainability Forum (PSF) is a collaboration of grocery and …