Blog Items with Tag: greg (See All)

5 Key Sustainability Visualizations

Footprinter works hard on tools that bring data to life. It is not just a table of numbers - it's insight and conclusions. We are all visual learners - since we were babies. And a well-designed set of visualizations can make a huge difference in how well you communicate. Did …

RB Website Features Footprinter

Footprinter Green Design's very visual performance gauges are featured prominately on a high level RB webpage titled Better design. RB goes on to point out that: 100% of product innovations assessed by our Sustainable Innovation Calculator RB’s Sustainable Innovation Calculator guides the development of low-impact products. In 2013, we assessed over …

5 Advantages of a Sustainability System

Adopting a sustainability system brings long-term competitive advantages to a business. Few businesses today would consider operating without a company wide financial system and business intelligence tools. We believe that increasingly the same mindset is felt with sustainability teams. There is increasingly powerful software emerging and the challenges in deployment …

RB Wins Awards - And FP Helped!

Reckitt Benckiser recently won two awards from 2degrees (the global sustainability business community)! RB was runner up for Solution of the Year, and won the Best Internal Engagement Activity award. And yeah ... RB uses our Green Design suite of products! Very cool!! It has been exciting to work with …

RB Product Sustainability Leadership

RB is beginning to get well deserved recognition for their leadership in product sustainability. This post on GreenBiz sheds more light on how RB has successfully infused sustainability into their product development process. "Reckitt Benckiser has been at the forefront ... and demonstrates best practices ... Focus development teams on a …

The Path to Product Sustainability

Sustainability consultants Pure Strategies have put out a solid and important piece of research called "The Path to Product Sustainability". From their research they draw two basic insights: Companies committed to product sustainability enjoy the benefits of manufacturing cost savings, brand enhancement, employee engagement and other important financial and organizational …

Top-5 Reasons Not To Use Excel

Why are so many large companies still using Excel for their fundamental sustainability data collection and analysis? The answer is … because they can. Excel is relatively easy to use and everyone has it. So it’s great for special projects and doing something like an analysis or chart quickly. Sustainability …

Elopak: Engaging Front Line Teams

Company Elopak is a Norwegian company producing cartons for liquids, starting with aseptic gable top cartons for milk. The company ranks as the world's #3 supplier of packaging for beverages selling 12.8 billion cartons (2012), and boasts manufacture of the first paperboard carton for liquid foods, branded Pure-Pak. Elopak's carton …